Thursday, May 9, 2013


I'm not a pintrest person.  I've seen a lot of it pop up on my facebook page but being a crafty person all my life I've learned my limits the hard way.  I can look at some of those fancy do it yourself ideas and say, "Nope, can't do that." and move on with doing the things I can accomplish, like writing.

Recently I heard that many moms look at pintrest and believe that if they can't make those things, or don't have the time, then they are falling short.  It is another one of those keeping up with the Jones' I guess.  And with the modern day interenet the Jones are no longer your next door neighbors they are everyone who pops up on your homepage.

It's the same with weight-loss.  I've seen friends go on unhealthy crash diets after finding out that their 'fat' friend from school suddenly got thin.  Or someone's post gets more likes, comments, shares and others try to make up clever ways to get attention.

Yikes.  Let me just say that perfect is over-rated.  If you have someone or something making you feel like being yourself just isn't cutting it, then take a step back and remember who you are and what you CAN do.

I am a woman who can't bake, cook, clean, decorate or organize.  But I am a woman who knows how to pick a husband that can.  And really, THAT'S what is important!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Just For Me-Spring Daffodils

Does anyone else feel that this winter has worn out it's welcome?  Our area of Maine has endured so much late winter snow that when there is a sunny day me my husband and all of the pets crowd around the bay window in our living room for a bit of warm sunshine.  Why aren't we outside enjoying it?  Still waiting for the foot of snow/ice to melt away so that mud season can begin.

So for now I'm filling my writing area with pictures of spring, like these wonderful daffodils and hoping that one day soon I'll see them replace the snow outside.

You know what?  One picture isn't going to do it, so here's another lovely image of my favorite early spring flowers!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Life In The Way: An Update

What is that saying about the best laid plans...they get blown to smithereens?  Hahaha.  Well my goal of building a blog that would allow me to touch base with fans and friends kinda hit a big snag after my last blog post, by the way we survived that huge October storm just fine.

No what really got in our way, or at least the excuse I'm using, is my husband's etsy shop.  It began out as a way for him to make a little bit of spending money while selling fun geeky items.  Then last year we watched it grow in a way that we had never anticipated.  In October I had to learn some of his methods for making items, so that I could help out a bit.  By the start of November every minute of my freetime was helping out and my beloved writing had to take a back seat.  Black Friday was when things really hit the fan and my recently delivered two-weeks notice at my full-time audit job had to morph into "I found someone who can cover my last few shifts."  That's right the shop was doing well enough with pre-holiday sales that I had to (well got to) quit my day job.

It would have been all well and good if we had been able to catch up with sales and enjoy the holiday.  Instead I spent everyday, even my birthday, working 12-16 hours on my husband's shop, often staying up until 2 or 3 am.  The final edits of my newest book, A Touch of Mistletoe, had to be pushed back so far that I couldn't even release it until Christmas day.

The insanity of our etsy shop didn't end there.  Even our post Christmas sales were good, enough so that my husband was finally able to quit his management position at a huge corporation so that he can now stay at home with me and work on his art, etsy shop and writing.

Our small family of two went from almost never seeing each other due to me working 40+ hours a week and him 50-60 hours a week to suddenly the two of us being home all of the time.  It is a huge adjustment and the shop is still keeping us very busy, but we are excited about this opportunity.

Now here's the great news for Lindsay Kiernan fans, I can finally go back to being a writer!  I've hated taking this much time off from my writing but it allowed me to finally become a full-time stay-at-home writer.  I'm thrilled to continue work on my next book and I have a new series that I will be starting up later this year.  Check back to hear more very soon!