Monday, December 20, 2010

Hello Again

Yes I've been a bit lax in my blogging but with the holidays around the corner...oh you've heard that excuse before. Let's just say that I've been very busy editing my latest manuscript.

I promised (a long time ago) to explain how both me and my husband won the November challenge. The short honest truth is that we hadn't been writing for quite some time. We both wanted to but hadn't. As you can see from the above excuse, we are both great at putting things off. Joining NaNoWriMo was a bit of a push to write. What really worked was us competing against each other. I never would have made the 50,000 because of what a busy month it was but every time that I wanted to slack off my husband was showing me that he had written some. Then I wanted to top him, and he wanted to top me. Sometimes competition can be a really great thing.

Now we both have a book that is nearly done but both need extensive editing. So the great slog of editing begins.

Luckily I've got some exciting new things in the works that make all of this editing worth it, or so I hope. To hear more about that though, you'll have to wait until next year!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Maybe my resolution should be less excuses!


  1. Let us know what you're going to read...maybe Grandpa and I will read along. We're in the midst of Systematic Theology by Wayne Gruden and could use a little lighter fare.

  2. I'd love to have you and Grandpa join in with me! I'm thinking that most of my books will be a lighter fare than the one that you two are reading. I'm already doing a bit of research into the first book and author which will be announced on the first.
